Tom Albani

Tom Albani's Fundraiser

I am raising funds to provide jobs and durable bricks for Dungu, Democratic Republic of the Congo! image

I am raising funds to provide jobs and durable bricks for Dungu, Democratic Republic of the Congo!

Join me and help make a difference, please give today.


$185 towards $10,000

Those of you who know me best know how it was through God's love and a reaching out from the community that I felt hope from the hundreds of people praying for me during my 3.5 year cancer-filled storm that I just came out of a few months ago! It is in this same spirit that I wish to offer hope to others - to those that truly need it the most.

As my son and I endure a 10-day 550-mile bicycle ride from Bangor, ME to Easton, PA at the end of July, I am extending a formal request to all of you that we come together again. That through a unity in the community we can all do our part to offer hope to the Congolese. I've already done all I can in regards to emptying my savings acct and extending my credit so my son and I could get some used bikes capable of riding 60 miles a day. Now I'm asking all of you to contribute in any way you can to help us reach our monetary goals! In order to raise the funds needed I need your help! I'll Ride If You Provide! I know it's not easy to stretch outside of our comfort zones; to give even when it hurts. But will it not be awesome when we are all done accomplishing this wondrous act of love and we can all say, "We have both groaned and grown!" From my open heart to yours, I thank you.

Join me in supporting real change. Let's support good in the world and make a difference. Help us provide jobs and durable bricks for Dungu!

Just a small donation will go a long way to helping me meet my goal for Restoring Hope Ministries.