Matt Beal

Matt Beal's Fundraiser

 I am raising funds to provide jobs and durable bricks for Dungu, Democratic Republic of the Congo! image

I am raising funds to provide jobs and durable bricks for Dungu, Democratic Republic of the Congo!

Join me and help make a difference in the lives of the war torn Congolese people


$1,950 towards $2,000

I've always thought I would like to do a bike tour. I've dreamed of possibly doing it in New England because it is a special place to me. I love New England, I received my masters degree from U. of Maine and taught in Maine my first 4 years of my career. I saw the church was doing a bike tour from Maine to Pennsylvania. The challenged intrigued me. Although I've been jogging for over 25 years I'm not really a biker. I would have to learn and train a lot.

Although the bike tour initially intrigued me this project is not about the biking. 5.4 million people have died in Congo because of civil war. In the town of Dungu 75 people were killed when Joseph Kony leader of the LRA militia attacked the town. Cornerstone Church is involved in helping the Congolese people build a training center to provide post secondary education, trauma counseling, church leadership, and business development. The bike tour is raising money for a brick-making machine to help build the center and provide business opportunities to use the brick machine in the area. The Congolese people will be doing this project in partnership with Cornerstone and other churches.

Finally, don't look at your donation as a way to help an old guy cross something off his bucket list. The funds I need for this trip have already been provided. Any donation you give will go directly to the project. Thanks so much for your consideration. Matt